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Frequently Asked Study Abroad Questions

Find out all the answers to the most commonly asked questions.

To put it simply, study abroad is a set time (perhaps a semester or year) when you pursue your academics overseas. This can be through a program at your home university, or it can be through an independent study abroad company in coordination with your university or degree program. Although studying abroad is typically done during college

You absolutely can study abroad! There may be a few requirements through your university, degree program, or study abroad provider though. For instance, some universities don’t allow you to study abroad with a GPA under 3.0. You’ll also need to consider your academic goals and how studying abroad fits in. For instance, are you an accounting major? You can still study abroad of course, but it may be a bit more difficult for you to find an opportunity in your degree track. Be sure to speak with your study abroad department or academic advisor to figure out the best move for you.

Your study abroad program could be as short as two weeks, and as long as a full academic year. It could be during any season, and during any year of your academic career. How long your study abroad program lasts is up to you and your goals! Do you want to come home fluent in a second language? Then maybe a full academic year abroad is the right choice for you. Do you want to take fun electives or knock out a few additional credits outside the regular school year? Consider studying abroad for a couple months during the summer. Your study abroad department, academic advisor, and program coordinator will be able to help you decide.